From March 20th to 22nd, a comprehensive Training of Trainers (ToT) was conducted in Žalec, Slovenia, as part of the “NEED – News Literacy on Board” project. The training’s objective was to provide participants from all partner organisations with the necessary skills to incorporate board games effectively into news literacy education.

The workshop was structured over three days, with each day focused on a specific agenda. During the training, participants were trained on how to use board games in education, focusing on news literacy education. Participants were introduced to the theoretical foundations of educational games, types of games, their basic characteristics, and their potential uses in education. They learned more about the possibilities of measuring the level of knowledge through the game, in order to develop more games of this kind jointly.

Through testing, they determined which of the developed games was best for measuring the knowledge levels of individuals in news literacy. Overall, participants acquired various skills and knowledge necessary for conducting workshops and training sessions based on game-based learning.

Twelve individuals from four partner organisations participated in the training, which was facilitated by trainers from Nikanor and the Belgrade City Library. This training-of-trainers event was instrumental in enhancing the capacities of the partner organisations to use game-based learning approaches effectively in adult education, culminating in the formation of an international team dedicated to developing an educational board game focused on news literacy and critical thinking.