Two analog board games were created within the project:
board game for assessing knowledge in news literacy
This engaging board game evaluates players’ knowledge and skills in news literacy and critical thinking.
The game features a rectangular board with 34 fields, which include various categories such as Challenge, Choose Area, Lucky Field, Double Dice, and Padlock. Players draw cards from five decks—three are focused on specific areas of news literacy, one with Challenge cards, and one with Lucky cards. The cards contain 540 questions, divided equally among the three areas of knowledge: Understanding the News Landscape, Finding Reliable Information, and Verifying News.
Gameplay involves rolling the die, moving a piece, and drawing a card to answer questions. Correct answers allow players to place tokens in designated spaces on the board. The goal is to be the first player to cover all twelve spaces with tokens, each representing correct answers from the different areas of knowledge. The game incorporates True-False and Multiple-Choice questions.
The assessment process is carried out by having each player keep the cards they’ve answered, marking whether the answers were correct or incorrect. The number of correct and incorrect answers for each area is recorded in an evaluation table, providing a clear overview of the player’s knowledge and proficiency in each competence area.
From the link below, you can download the complete game in a format ready for printing: rules, game board, cards, and evaluation table.
Download, print, and test your knowledge through the game!

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board game for improving news literacy
Coming soon.